7 Things That Might Surprise You During Your Trip To Spain

When you’re planning your trip to Spain you might be dreaming of chatting it up in Spanish with the locals over a dish of paella as you sip on some sangria.

But in reality, you should plan on drinking something else, and eating something else… and maybe even speaking something else, too!

A lot of what tourists know about Spain isn’t actually Spain, it’s just rumor that somehow planted itself as fact into society. But, you deserve to know the truth. So here are seven things that might surprise you during your trip to Spain:

1. The Locals Don’t Drink Sangria

Let’s start with the first thing people think about when they think about this marvelous country: sangria. Unfortunately, you won’t find many, if any, locals drinking this fruity drink as they go bar hopping into the late hours of the night. There’s no traditional sangria recipe anywhere in Spain, and the locals are more likely to be drinking something on tap. But, there is good news! If you’re committed to trying it, you’ll easily find some version of sangria pretty much anywhere you go. It’s a huge tourist attraction, after all!

2. You’ll Be Eating Late

If you’re used to waking up, eating dinner and going to bed early, then you’re in for a bit of a culture shock! Spanish locals like to get their night started late. And by late, we mean they don’t even start having dinner until 10PM. If the thought of staying up that late makes you gasp, don’t worry. There’s plenty reason why they do what they do! Well, we’re sure there is, anyway. If you’ve ever heard that Spain has some of the best nightlife in the world, you’ll be happy to know that it’s true, and probably a good reason for anyone in the country to become a night owl.

3. Paella Is a Thing, but Not THE Thing

Another thing Spain is known for is their food. It’s delicious, and absolutely worth eating out for. But, you might be surprised to find out that paella isn’t popular in every part of the country. Sure, it’s a specialty in some areas, but for most of Spain it’s really just a dish of food. Thankfully, because it’s popular nonetheless, you’ll be able to find plenty of interesting variations you can try!

4. Tapas Aren’t Actually a Meal

There’s some confusion for tourists when they go to order tapas and realize what they’re getting isn’t a full meal. There’s etiquette surrounding these little dishes. They’re just small portions of food, intended to be shared amongst friends and ordered at every restaurant or bar you go to throughout the night. So while you’re there, make sure you plan on trying a little something everywhere you go!

5. Siesta is Very, Very Real

Going back to the whole eating late deal… if you’re still frowning a bit at the idea then don’t worry! In Spain, siesta is still very much alive. The locals love it, and so will you – especially after a night out in the city! Siesta is basically a mini nap that’s taken in the middle of the day, usually after lunch. It’s about 15 to 20 minutes of pure bliss shared between you, your couch, a blanket and a pillow. This might just be one of our most favorite things about Spanish culture!

6. There’s No Rush Here

If you’re envisioning event-filled fun nights out in the city dancing to the beat and drinking under disco balls, then it may be a little weird to hear that Spain is actually a very slow-paced country. The siesta really reflects the relaxed, laid-back atmosphere and is a symbol of long-standing tradition for the Spanish. You’ll find that everyone walks leisurely along their way down the sidewalk, and nobody is ever in any real hurry to get anywhere or do anything. All in good time, my friends!

7. They Might Not Speak Spanish

Spain. Spanish. They go hand-in-hand, right? Yes, but also no! While Spain is the most widely-spoken language in Spain, there is also a handful of other languages that might be spoken depending on where you go. So, if you’re brushing up on your conversation basics to be able to get around a little bit easier and join in with the locals when you go out, you might want to research where you plan to stay to make sure you’re on the right track!