A List Of Spain’s Most Intresting Festivals

Spaniards love their fiestas; if you are an outsider, you would think that for a fiesta there definitely has to be a reason. Well, at a close look, you will find that Spaniards do not need a good reason to throw a party in the streets, they just do it. 

Everywhere you go on your Spanish holiday, there has to be a festival; whether it celebrates the patron saint of the city or is just a yearly celebration of something very important for the respective community, you have the opportunity to take part in one of the lively traditions of the Spaniards.

Going on a Spanish journey

Let us start our journey with the eastern part of Spain, in Bunol. San Luis Bertran is the patron of the city and the inhabitants organize a one week festival in his honor. The main attraction of the festival is the tomato fight that takes place on the last day; it is a fight that uses 120,000 kilograms of tomatoes. The participants throw tomatoes at each other; this leads to their amusement and also to the amusement of those who prefer to step aside and just watch.

However, this is not the only fun moment of the one week festival: there are numerous parades and paella cooking shows which attract tourists from all over the world. Less known but just as much fun is the ‘’Las Fallas’’ festival, the one that has as emblems the 60 feet high figures made of paper. The figures are often satirical and characters such as Tony Blair or George Bush participate in the festival.

The biggest attraction of ‘’Las Fallas’’ and the event that highlights the end of the festival is the burning down of the 700 paper figures. These two festivals take place in the Valencia region, so let us move elsewhere. Very close to Barcelona lies the town of Valls that hosts the ‘’Calcotada’’ festival.

The festival celebrates the ‘’calcot’’, which is a spring onion, so there is a lot of good food involved. The biggest attraction of the festival and also the funniest moment is the eating contest; it is said that there were years when the winner had more than 300 calcots. Last but not the least; go to Haro for the Wine Battle as lots of fun is guaranteed there. Enjoy the festival trip!