How to get to Tossa de Mar

By car, by plane or by train: what’s the best way to get to Tossa de Mar? Depending on where you are departing from, there are various ways to get to this seaside resort. As is always the case, the earlier you book, the better the prices.

To help you compare the various options available, here is some information and practical advice on what forms of transport are available to get to the Costa Brava.

CLICK HERE to check our holiday villas selection in Tossa de Mar

This is also a good time to remind you about the formal documentation required to cross the Spanish border. Read on!

Reaching Tossa de Mar by plane

You will need to travel to either Girona airport or Barcelona airport.

– Girona airport

Low-cost airline companies like Ryanair and TUI run regular daily services from a number of European airports.

Once at the airport, take one of the busses run by the company Sarfa to get from Girona airport to Tossa de Mar in a little under an hour. The journey costs around €9.

Depending on what time your flight arrives, we recommend taking the time to visit the city of Girona. It’s one of the nicest excursions to go on in Catalonia. Note that buses run by the company Sagalès enable you to reach the centre of Girona in a little less than 30 minutes from the airport.

– Barcelona airport

The best way to reach Tossa de Mar from Barcelona airport is to take a coach (big blue buses) to Plaça Catalunya. From there you can take the red metro line to Arc de Triomf station, and the bus station is next door to it. You will find several buses there to take you to Tossa de Mar.

You can also opt for the Barcelona Rodalies (suburban train) as far as Blanes and then take a taxi or a bus run by the company Pujol as far as Tossa de Mar. Either on the way there or the way back, take a little time to visit the superb city of Barcelona. It would be such a pity to miss it when you are so close!

Going to Tossa de Mar by train

There is a high speed rail connection between Paris and Barcelona, making it easy to go to the Costa Brava by train. The journey is run by the French (SNCF) and Spanish (RENFE) rail companies. Stop in Girona and from there take a bus to Tossa de Mar.

Keep an eye out for special offers and book your ticket ahead of time to get reduced prices.

Going to Tossa de Mar by car

If you are driving from the south of France, it will take about 1 hour and 25 minutes from the city of Perpignan on the A9 and then the AP-7 motorways. Take the exit at Vidreres towards Tossa de Mar. Then take the C35 and the GI681 until you reach the resort.

This popular tourist area has good quality roads and signposts. Note that in high-season the roads are very busy with foreign visitors and locals alike.

Another option is to organise a car pooling trip. It is a more economical and eco-friendly way to go on holidays! Whether you are a driver or passenger, share your journey using, for example, the website Blablacar.

If you are driving, it is best to warn you: it is not always easy to find parking in the towns on the Costa Brava. Especially in high season! In Tossa de Mar, the old town is not accessible to cars and the town centre is not easy to access either. To find out more, read our article about getting around Tossa de Mar.

Opt for a holiday rental with parking included: this will avoid any disappointments!

See the villas for rent in Tossa de Mar.

What documents are required to enter Spain?

Whatever mode of transport you use, you will need official identity papers to cross the border, by land or air. While checks are systematic at the airports, your documentation can also be requested if you travel by car or train. Be sure to carry your valid passport (or ID card for other European nationalities) and it is a good idea to scan it or make a photocopy in case of loss or theft.

When it comes to pets, they should be vaccinated against rabies and have a European passport to cross the Spanish border. These measures are designed to prevent trafficking of animals in Europe.

To find out more about identity papers to take with you when travelling, visit the dedicated page on the Foreign Office website.

To find out more about the European passport for pets, click here.

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