El Rastro

When thinking about shopping in Madrid, one has to visit El Rastro. This is considered to be one of the more popular flea markets where almost anything under the sun can be purchased.

The flea market houses a maximum of three thousand five hundred stalls and if a deal or a bargain can be obtained anywhere, it has to be at El Rastro. Both tourists and locals infiltrate the streets on Sundays or public holidays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to get a taste of what the flea market has to offer in terms of used or new items.

The flea market covers a large triangular area and is held within the Ambassador’s District or Barrio de Embajadores and there are particular areas and streets which are well known for specific bargains as follows:

Calle de los Pajaros is well known for the sale of pets and birds and any other items which may be associated with these animals.

Calle Rodas and environs are popular for the selling of magazines. One can also trade stamps and cards within these streets and as a result the area is usually heavily populated with a lot of children.

On Calle Carnero and Amiches one can expect to locate any rare and old books.
The stalls on the ever popular Calle Ribera de Curtidores provide handmade clothing, crafts and antiques.

Calle San Cayetano provides avid art lovers with paintings and many art replicas. All through the week the art stores located in this area are open for business.

Campillo Terrace is the street where one can purchase just about anything such as clothes, books, material, tools, flowers, wares and music.

Furniture can be purchased on Plaza del General Vara del Rey along with used clothing.

When one is looking for trendy clothing with beautiful accessories, just head over to Plaza de Cascorro.

Movie fanatics can locate any movie on Mira el Sol.

It is recommended that shoppers arrive early in order to take advantage of the many deals and stalls. El Rastro is easily accessible by train and bus and one would agree that even if the intention is to observe and not shop, it is unlikely for anyone to leave the flea market empty handed. There are always light refreshments available throughout the day on the outskirts of the flea market so that one can revitalise oneself and begin shopping again.

Photo Credit: Pixabay